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22 MBA programs where graduates earn more than $110,000 right out of school

Dec 15, 2015, 22:28 IST

Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth/Facebook

Business Insider recently released its sixth annual list of the best business schools in the world, and this year graduates' starting salaries were a crucial component of our ranking.


Among the top 50 schools, there were 22 programs where students went on to earn an average base salary - before any bonuses or benefits - of $110,000 or more after graduation.

Although Stanford placed fourth on the overall list, its graduates earn the highest starting salaries of all the schools we ranked, averaging more than $133,000.

Read on to see top-rated business schools where students typically earn salaries of more than $110,000 straight out of the gate, listed here in ascending order.

Editing by Alex Morrell with additional research by Andy Kiersz.


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