"Between the morning and afternoon sections of the CFA exam, there's a two hour break. The proctors always warn you to get back to the exam room like 10-15 minutes before the break ends because they start reading instructions for the next part of the exam right when the 2 hours is up.
In the room where I was writing Level 2, the entrance into the test center was in the front of the room, and all the test takers sit facing the entrance. There were about 300 of us.
Just before the 2 hour mark (or maybe it was right at the 2-hour mark), the proctor started reading the instructions over the loudspeakers, but the doors to the entrance were still open.
Then, one girl walks through the door in mid-instruction. She was probably right on time, but late by CFA test standards.
The proctor stops reading, and tells the girl over the loud speaker: "I'm sorry, you have to go back through the doors." The girl stepped back, then the proctor said on the loud speaker "Can someone close that door?"
Everyone watched as the door closed on the girl, who just had this blank stare on her face. You could feel the collective gasp in the room as what just happened weighed down on everyone.
That girl never came back into the room, and wasn't able to take the second part of the exam. Six months of studying and preparation for nothing.
I feel bad for saying this, but it was a distraction feeling pity for the poor girl."
Source: Business Insider