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19 more bizarre Google Street View images from around the world

19 more bizarre Google Street View images from around the world
Latest1 min read

google street view

Christian Charisius/Reuters

Since it launched in 2007, Google Street View quickly became known for bizarre scenes from around the globe, whether they were funny photobombing seagulls to more sobering scenes of people carrying weapons.

And while the images are fascinating to scroll through, Google Street View continually updates its database, often blurring out many of the offending images or removing them altogether. We can still look at screenshots of two scuba divers chasing the Google Street View car, but the men are now blurred out in Google Maps

So we scoured subreddits like /r/googlestreetviewfinds and /r/FunnyStreetView as well as the Tumblr Fun Google Street Views to see some of the latest bizarre finds around the internet.

Keep scrolling to see the weirdest images you can still find on Google Street View.


