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19 College Fraternities With Top Wall Street Alumni

Julia La Roche   

19 College Fraternities With Top Wall Street Alumni
Finance1 min read

Fall fraternity rush is beginning at college campuses across the country.

The reasons people join these groups might vary. Most people probably want to make more friends and have a full social calendar, while others might want to form connections with past and current brothers that could be useful in later life.

We combed through a bunch of fraternities notable members lists to find big Wall Street names, both past and present, who were brothers.

We've included a round up of frats that have produced some of the biggest, and in a couple cases some of the most infamous, names on the Street.

If you know of any that we're missing, feel free to send an email to If anyone knows of sorority alums working in finance, feel free to send those names, too.


