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16 Brands That Have Fanatical Cult Followings

Danielle Schlanger,Kim Bhasin   

16 Brands That Have Fanatical Cult Followings
Retail1 min read


By lululemonathletica on Flickr

"Cult" brands can only be developed over time, by breeding hardcore followers who identify with a brand's unique appeal.

These brands create their own cultures, and then a niche group of loyal customers emerges.

Those customers spread the gospel and recruit more followers. A "cult" of followers is a powerful thing for a brand to have.

But these cults aren't indestructible.

This week, Lululemon announced that it was pulling its black luon yoga pants from stores because they were too sheer, and some of the company's most fanatical followers turned on their beloved brand and its CEO, Christine Day.

"Day has ruined everything special about lululemon. The bullet proof quality, the fit, the femininity, the lululemoness of the product," wrote blogger Carolyn Beauchesne, the "Lulu Addict."

Still, Lululemon and a host of other brands continue to spawn cults.


