The LOVE sculpture by Alexander Milov shows an arguing couple's inner children reaching toward each other.
The Temple of Promise was created by Bay Area artists. Its archway is 97 feet high.
Here's a video about the temple.
Michael Garlington's Totem of Confessions was incredibly detailed with hints of Khmer and Vedic architecture.
The Blunderwood Portable was actually capable of typing thanks to sensors on the keys. A new poem was projected on it each day.
next slide will load in 15 secondsSkip AdSkip AdThis Taiwanese installation is called "Mazu Goddess of the Empty Sea."
Structures like this dragon car are known as "art cars" or "mutant vehicles."
The Mayan Warrior car is driven from Mexico City to Black Rock every year.
This sculpture is appropriately named Medusa Madness.
"DREAM" was built by Laura Kimpton and Jeff Schomberg.
next slide will load in 15 secondsSkip AdSkip AdThis shape is known as a triambic icosahedron and it's made of gold filigree.
Swig Miller made this 50-foot dragon out of rebar, foam, and cement.
"Brainchild" was created by Michael Christian of Berkeley, Calif.
This sculpture, called Brobdingnag, is supposed to look like a giant's table.
This 48-foot sculpture, entitled R-Evolution, is intended to push viewers to "see past the sexual charge that has been developed around the female body."