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13 Things You Need To Be Doing If You Use Apple's iCloud

Jul 27, 2013, 19:37 IST

Business InsiderIt's been two years since Apple launched its online storage system, iCloud, to the public.


In the past few months, people have been talking about the storage system's shortcomings, even calling it "broken."

Every user with an Apple ID gets 5 GB of storage for free to back up apps and settings from their iPhone, iPad, or iPod. The service also syncs your photos, documents, and email with your Mac and mobile devices.

The idea behind iCloud is to be able to access all your stuff no matter what Apple device you're using.

But while iCloud is baked into all Apple products, it can be a bit confusing to use and get the most out of it. Here are some great tips to make sure you're getting the most out of Apple's cloud service.


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