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12% Of Women Graduating From Harvard This Year Say They Were Sexually Assaulted While In School

12% Of Women Graduating From Harvard This Year Say They Were Sexually Assaulted While In School

Harvard University's student newspaper The Harvard Crimson published its annual senior class survey today, with nearly half of the Class of 2014 answering questions about academics, mental health, drugs, and a range of other topics.

One of the more troubling parts of the survey is students' responses to questions about sexual assault. The vast majority of sexual assaults at Harvard - more than 80% - went unreported, according to The Crimson's survey.

12% of women in the Class of 2014 responded that they were sexually assaulted at Harvard, but only 16% of victims reported their assault. 2% of men said they were sexually assaulted at Harvard.

However, as The Crimson notes, these figures may be better than other college campuses:

By way of comparison, a 2007 study found that 19 percent of college women at large four-year universities experienced an attempted or completed sexual assault during their undergraduate careers. Some researchers estimate that 95 percent of sexual assaults on college campuses may go unreported.

758 Harvard students answered questions for The Crimson's survey.

Read the full Class of 2014 survey at The Harvard Crimson >>


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