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12 high-paying jobs college students can do in their spare time

Oct 3, 2016, 18:56 IST

Omar Havana/Getty
Omar Havana/Getty

You don't have to wait until you have a degree to get a job and start paying off your college debt.


The key to finding a part-time job for a busy college student is to look for high-quality positions with a flexible schedule that are from a trustworthy source, says Brie Reynolds, a senior career specialist at FlexJobs.

"There are a lot of scams in work-from-home jobs, so college students should be aware of them and be cautious when searching," she explains.

To get you started, here's a list of 12 high-paying part-time jobs for college students from FlexJobs:

Natalie Walters contributed to a previous version of this article.


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