Yes, we all remember the stunning
ALSO READ:9 ways women can take charge of their careers
Your boss is going to ask you for ridiculous things.
Miranda: I need 10 or 15 skirts from Calvin Klein.
Andy: What kind of skirts.
Miranda: Please bore someone else with your…questions.
You are always supposed to be two to three steps ahead of your boss.
Know The Key People
You should always know who the key, very important people are in the place you work — even if you just got started on the job.
Don’t expect to be praised all the time
Andy: I don’t know what else I can do, because if I do something right, it’s unacknowledged, she doesn’t even say thank you. But if I do something wrong? She is vicious.
People will recognize passion and earnestness, but they will also see when you’re just going through the motions.
Never be unprepared for meetings
Miranda: Why is no one reeaaaaddddy?
It’s the worst impression you can give about yourself to your boss. It’s one thing no boss will forget. So don’t do it!
Find a mentor
Andy is quite lost in the beginning at work and quickly seeks guidance from Nigel. Though he gives her some tough love, he ends up being the best mentor she could ever ask for. So, find your GURU.
Know Your Stuff
Don’t just look the part, be the part. Know your stuff without anyone having to ask.
Dress the part
Regardless of how you feel about it, you will be judged before they know your name. Every time you get dressed you’re sending signals to people, whether those signals are “I don’t give a shit about how I look” or “Look at me I’m fabulous.”
Either Quit Your Job or Do it properly
Andy: I don’t know what else I can do, because if I do something right, it’s unacknowledged, she doesn’t even say thank you. But if I do something wrong? She is vicious.
Nigel: So quit.
Andy: What?
Nigel: Quit. I can get another girl to take your job in 5 minutes.
There is always someone else that can do and wants your job. Don’t whine about it.
Pay Close Attention
Like it or not, understand it or not, the greats are great for a reason. When given the opportunity, learn from your the people you work with.
Work-Life Balance
Don’t lose what matters, while you are pursuing your dreams. You will regret it!
Your Leadership Reflects Attitude
Emily: I know. I’m so sorry, Miranda. I actually did confirm last night.
Miranda: Details of your incompetence do not interest me.
The manner in which you lead is entirely up to you. Remember your leadership reflects the attitude of those you lead.
Never Lose Sight of Your Core Values
Andy -“I don’t think I’m like that. I couldn’t do what you did to Nigel, Miranda. I couldn’t do something like that.”
Miranda - “You already did. To Emily.”
At the end of the day your values should drive your decision. Keep your core values.