You can pay with your phone at any magnetic stripe terminal when Samsung Pay launches. Apple Pay only works with NFC.
You can draw on the screen even when it's turned off when using the Galaxy Note 5.
You can add shortcuts to your favorite apps and contacts on the Galaxy S6 Edge+. Just swipe out from the phone's curved edge.
With both the Galaxy Note 5 and Galaxy S6 Edge+, you can stream live video from your phone to YouTube directly from the camera app.
next slide will load in 15 secondsSkip AdSkip AdWhen using the Note 5, you can capture a screenshot of an entire page rather than just what's on the screen.
The Note 5 comes with a new stylus that lets you quickly access apps by pressing a button on the pen. You can buy third-party styluses for the iPhone, but none of them integrate with the iPhone's software the way Samsung's stylus does with its Note phones.
Most Samsung phones, including its new ones, support a feature called SideSync that can display your phone's screen on the desktop of your Samsung laptop or the home screen of your Samsung tablet. This means you can drag and drop files from your PC to your phone, too. Notifications from your iPhone can appear on your Mac or iPad, but you can actually mirror your iPhone's screen on either device.
All of Samsung's Galaxy Note phones and tablets allow you to open more than one tab at a time through a feature called Multi-Window. Apple's split-screen feature is only coming to the iPad Air 2.
There's also a shortcut on Samsung's newer phones (Galaxy S6 and later) that launches the camera by tapping the home button twice.
next slide will load in 15 secondsSkip AdSkip AdSince Samsung's new phones run on Android, you can also add widgets to your home screen. Widgets are interactive icons that display information such as sports scores, the weather, etc. The iPhone has something similar available in the notification menu, but you can't add widgets to the home screen.
Samsung's newer phones also support wireless charging, so you don't have to plug them in to replenish their batteries.