Mladen Mitrinovic/Shutterstock
Luckily, things seem to be going well. Caught up in conversation, you order a spaghetti dish with marinara sauce before truly thinking through the consequences. When it arrives, you realize you've set yourself up for an additional challenge: the spaghetti strands aren't twirling well onto your fork, and you're being forced to slurp up stray, dangling ends that invariably leave a few drops of red sauce on your white shirt in the process. It's not a pretty sight.
How can you avoid a situation like this? Perhaps if you had considered your menu choice a bit more, you would have saved yourself a whole lot of awkwardness. We spoke to international etiquette expert Jacqueline Whitmore to get an idea of the top foods to stay away from on a first date. Read on for her full list of messy meals that could turn your night from great to grim.