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11 Extraordinary Things That Happened In America In Just The Last Week

Max Nisen   

11 Extraordinary Things That Happened In America In Just The Last Week

It's been a rough week in America. On Monday, there was a tragic attack on the Boston Marathon. Last night there was a horrible explosion at a fertilizer plant in Texas. The failure of the gun control bill also left many people raw with emotion.

But actually there was a bunch of amazing stuff that happened just this week that serve as a reminder that great things go on all the time.

It's been less than three weeks since Louisville's Kevin Ware suffered a devastating broken leg in a Final Four Game. He's already exercising and rehabbing the leg:

InsideClimateNews, a tiny, web only, non-profit website with a staff of seven, won a Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting. It's one of the most prestigious awards in journalism:

There have been a large number of incredible stories and tributes in the aftermath of the Boston attack. Today, the FDNY, no strangers to tragedy themselves, honored the victims of the Boston attack:

A study from the Mayo Clinic found that the number of Americans willing to donate a kidney to a stranger has doubled since 2001. Of those surveyed, 49% would be very or somewhat likely to donate a kidney or part of their liver to someone in need whom they'd never met.


A 77-year-old man's dog was presumed stolen after a break-in Monday evening. He was reunited with "Baby" today by a stranger who found the dog wandering a busy street (via WCNC):

Provo, Utah, a city of 112,488, will be the third city to get Google Fiber, an incredibly fast and revolutionary internet service:

Ari Nessel's Pollination Project has spent each of the last 100 days giving a $1000 dollar grant to somebody trying to change the world for the better. The last grant went out on Tuesday to 12-year-old Thomas Ponce, an animal rights activist.

A study released earlier this week by the CDC found that infant mortality in the United States has significantly declined:

In the aftermath of the explosion in West, Texas, one man pulled 16 people out of a collapsed nursing home.

west texas

CBS News

20 minutes after being called a homophobic slur by a rival player, Portland Timbers midfielder Will Johnson scored with a beautiful free kick to help his team beat the San Jose Earthquakes:
will johnson gay slur mls


A 28-year-old graduate student spotted a critical error in one of the most influential economics papers of all time.


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