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11 Wonderful Life Lessons From Bob Hoskins

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11 Wonderful Life Lessons From Bob Hoskins

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Samir Hussein/Getty Images

While British actor Bob Hoskins, who died today after a battle with pneumonia at age 71, is best known to fans for his roles in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Mona Lisa and other films and TV shows, his daughter Rosa remembers him as a loving father with lessons to share.

"I loved him to the ends of the earth, and he loved me back just the same," she just wrote in her blog.

Following his death, Rosa published the following 11 inspiring lessons she learned from her dad, sharing them widely on Twitter. We can all learn from them.

1. Laugh. There's humor to be found everywhere, even your darkest days there's something to have a joke about. Laugh long and loud, and make other people laugh. It's good for you.

(MORE: What I'll Say About Myself When I Die)

2. Be yourself. If someone doesn't like you, they're either stupid, blind or they've got bad taste. Accept who you are; you've got no one else to be. Don't try to change yourself; there's no point. Don't apologize. Don't make excuses. Be yourself, and if anyone else doesn't like it, they can f*ck off.

3. Be flamboyant; it's who you are and always have been. Be eccentric and unique. Don't try to adapt yourself to someone else's view of normal. That belongs to them, not you. Like yourself as who you are.

4. Don't worry about other people's opinions. Everyone's a critic, but ultimately what they say only matters if you let it. Don't believe your own press. People can just as easily sing your praises as they can tear you down. Don't waste your time on things you can't change. Let it slide off you like water off a duck's back.

5. Get angry; it's OK to lose your temper now and then. If anger stays in, it turns to poison and makes you bitter and sad. Get angry, say your peace, then let it go.

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6. Whatever you do, always give it a good go. Don't be afraid of failure and disappointment. If you fall flat on your face, then get straight back up. You'll always regret not trying. Disappointment is temporary, regret is forever.

7. Be generous and kind because you can't take it with you. When you've got something to give, give it without hesitation.

8. Appreciate beauty, take pictures and make memories. Capture it - you never know when it'll be gone.

9. Don't take yourself too seriously. People who take themselves too seriously are boring.

10. Never, ever, ever, ever give up. Keep on punching no matter what you're up against. You're only defeated if you give up, so don't give up.

11. Love with all your heart. In the end, love is the only thing that matters.

This story was originally published by Next Avenue.


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