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10 things in tech you need to know today

Oct 1, 2015, 12:38 IST

Getty / Stephen Lam

Good morning! Here's the tech news you need to know this Thursday.


1. Microsoft and Google have resolved a long-running patent war. The tech giants have agreed to shelve all patent litigation against each other.

2. Jack Dorsey is reportedly going to be named permanent CEO of Twitter. The founder is currently interim CEO, and will apparently also keep his job as boss of payments company Square.

3. Google is buying a messaging startup. It is acquiring Jibe Mobile for a non-disclosed amount.

4. Facebook is overhauling user profiles. You can now set a short video as your profile picture.


5. Eric van der Kleij, head of London startup accelerator Level39, is stepping down. He is leaving after three years on the job.

6. A new exploit makes it simple to bypass OS X's security protections. Patrick Wardle, director of research of security firm Synack, discovered a way to bypass "Gatekeeper," Ars Technica reports - even when the feature is on its strictest setting.

7. Google is reportedly planing to reveal its new version of "instant articles" next week. The search giant has sent out invites to the press, Re/code says, and will reveal "a new open source initiative for the mobile web."

8. French dating app Happn has raised $14 million (£9 million) in a Series B funding round, TechCrunch reports. The app shows you potential matches who you crossed paths with during the day.

9. More than 110,000 people have signed a petition supporting Uber in London. The city has proposed strict new rules for taxis that would adversely affect the ride-hailing company.


10. Twitter, Dropbox, and an array of other tech companies and human rights groups are lobbying the White House in favour of encryption technology. A new campaign called "Save Crypto" argues that the tech is essential to the modern internet, and asks supporters to sign a petition.

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