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10 Things In Tech You Need To Know This Morning

Jim Edwards   

10 Things In Tech You Need To Know This Morning
Tech2 min read

teen girl cell phone

Lewis Tse Pui Lung / Shutterstock

If she's on Vodafone, the government is listening.

Good morning! Here's what you need to know before your first meeting of the day:

1. Vodafone, one of the world's largest mobile phone groups, has revealed the existence of secret wires that allow government agencies to listen to all conversations on its networks, The Guardian reports. The wires are used in some of the 29 countries in which it operates. Vodafone has published stats about surveillance conducted on its network here.

2. Here's a brutal report on why Apple was forced to buy Beats: "Apple employees confirmed that management actively ignored iTunes' streaming competitors, with some managers refusing to open or use Spotify. One source said that as recently 'as last year,' some members of management didn't even know that Spotify was an on-demand streaming service, assuming it was just a radio service," BuzzFeed says.

3. Apple's plan to shake up Beats Headphones: That lightning port jack is the key: Devices with that type of jack can be used to control other devices.

4. Verizon sent a cease and desist letter to Netflix, demanding that it take down a notice it was showing some customers that said the Verizon network was "crowded." The notice appeared when Netflix couldn't immediately deliver one of its shows.

5. There is a brief glimpse of the new Amazon phone in this new commercial. We grabbed a still photo of it for you.

6. Facebook has responded to complaints that companies' "organic reach" was declining among its fans. The problem is that some users might have up to 15,000 items in their news feed every day - more content than they could possibly consume - so reach would have declined no matter what.

7. Twitter has bought Namo Media, a native ads platform. Namo will be integrated with MoPub.

8. The mystery millionaire man behind the @HiddenCash Twitter feed who has been leaving loads of cash for people to find has reportedly been identified as Jason Buzi, a real estate investor. He has dropped cash in San Francisco, using the Twitter feed @HiddenCash to give the locations of the upcoming drops.

9. Tinder has added a Snapchat-like feature that deletes photos after a limited time. Tinder "Moments" will disappear after 24 hours.

10. More people now use Google's chrome browser than any other. Six years after it launched, Chrome is now No.1


