10 Things In Tech You Need To Know This Morning
Good morning! It's going to be a warm one here in New York, with a high temperature over 90. There's a chance of storms in the evening. Let's get into the tech news:4. Despite all the turmoil at Twitter, the executive team in charge of advertising has been untouched.
5. Here's everything we know about the iWatch.
6. A top physicist says that by 2045, humans will no longer be the "top species". He says that we will morph into cyborgs, and machines will be much smarter than us.
7. Fab CEO Jason Goldberg talks about his most recent pivot into online furniture.We're going with a full-stack approach. Like a Warby [Parker] or Bonobos for furnishings but we're even closer to the manufacturing than those guy are."
8. Late last week ReservationHop launched, and it had people furious. The "startup" books all the seats in a restaurant ahead of schedule, without participation from the restaurant. Then it sells those seats back to you for $5.
9. The Verge says the Logitech UE Boom is the best portable speaker on the market.