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10 In-Demand Jobs That Pay At Least $100,000

Feb 5, 2013, 03:45 IST

Yuki Yaginuma via flickrPicking a career in a growing industry may make it easier to land a job.


The good news is that some of these sought-after positions also pay really well.

Career community site Glassdoor recently put together a list of the top 10 jobs that are in high demand and also pay base salaries of at least $100,000.

Below we've included the average base salary and projected growth percentage for each job, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

1. Psychiatrist


Average base salary: $169,479

Projected to grow 15 percent by 2020 (about as fast as average).

2. Physician

Average base salary: $152,768

Projected to grow 24 percent by 2020 (faster than average).


3. Dentist

Average base salary: $126,134

Projected to grow 21 percent by 2020 (faster than average)

4. Sales Director

Average base salary: $119,758


Projected to grow 12 percent by 2020 (about as fast as average).

5. Engineering Manager

Average base salary: $117,552

Projected to grow 9 percent by 2020 (slower than average)

6. Pharmacist


Average base salary: $107,490

Projected to grow 25 percent by 2020 (faster than average).

7. Tax Manager

Average base salary: $104,093

Projected to grow 7 percent by 2020 (slower than average).


8. Product Marketing Manager

Average base salary: $103,633

Projected to grow 7 percent by 2020 (slower than average)

9. IT Manager

Average base salary: $101,244


Projected to grow 18 percent by 2020 (about as fast as average)

10. Lead Software Engineer

Average base salary: $100,585

Projected to grow 9 percent by 2020 (slower than average).

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