Overall, the plane seems to lack the characteristic rivets and bolts all aircraft, including stealthy ones, require to hold together.
The engine exhaust lacks any kind of required nozzle. The use of an afterburner (or, simply, the engine temperature) could possibly melt the entire structure of the jet.
The general shape of the plane is bold to say the least, but the wings seem too small to sustain the weight of the aircraft, especially if this is intended to carry a powerful engine and internal payload.
The aircraft sports fixed canards (tiny forward wings) and the the air intakes look too small to feed a modern jet engine.
next slide will load in 15 secondsSkip AdSkip AdThe size of the plane and cockpit are too small: a normal pilot could not properly fit in the ejection seat.
The flying aircraft shown in the video is a radio controlled model.
It looks like some Iranian media outlets confirmed the flying aircraft was an RC-model.
The canopy lacks transparency and looks like it is made of Plexiglas
The cockpit and, above all, the front panel are unbelievably simple; comparable to that of a low end general aviation plane.
next slide will load in 15 secondsSkip AdSkip AdAnd really, the whole aircraft seems to be made of plastic
Those are just a few examples of the jet's layout