10. Commodity manager: $116,800
A commodity manager generally maintains relationships with suppliers, oversees the supply chain, and deals with supply contracts.
9. Finance manager: $117,200
A finance manager controls the financial operations within a company, usually including payroll, transactions, and other purchases. In general, they're responsible for portions of the company's accounting.
8. Management consultant: $118,500
A management consultant will work with both clients and project management teams, and will help oversee internal projects.
7. Business process consultant: $120,200
A business process consultant will consult with both internal and external teams to make sure that everyone is working as efficiently as they can be.
6. Product marketing manager: $123,000
A product marketing manager helps guide the company's strategy, making sure that the product and the market match up to everybody's benefit.
5. Strategy consultant: $136,300
A strategy consultant will assess potential risks, assess the market, and generally come up with plans to make sure tha the company succeeds.
4. Legal counsel: $144,200
Legal counsel is crucial for any business — a team of legal experts is necessary to draft contracts, review deals, and make sure that the company is staying on the right side of labor and employment laws or other regulations.
3. Corporate counsel: $147,500
Corporate counsel is a little higher up the ladder than legal counsel. This is where you might get involved in strategy, mergers and acquisitions, or helping secure financing for the company.
2. Managing partner: $175,000
A managing partner is a senior management role, defined by Glassdoor as an executive who helps oversee partnerships between a company and its corporate allies.
1. General counsel: $207,800
General counsel, sometimes also called the chief legal officer, is the highest-ranking lawyer at a company. The general counsel sets the company's legal strategy, which can include choosing litigation to pursue, big changes to employment contracts, and other important matters.