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$1.5 Billion Worth Of Aston Martins Got Together For The Company's 100th Birthday

Jul 25, 2013, 03:31 IST

Courtesy of Aston MartinAston Martin is turning 100 this year, and it's having a whole lot of fun to mark the occasion.


After releasing a fleet of special edition cars and a 100-car parade on the world's scariest racetrack, the British luxury mark decided to up the ante.

So it headed out to Kensington Gardens, a London royal park, and hosted the largest single gathering of Aston Martin cars in history on Monday.

550 Aston Martins in one place, worth about £1 billion ($1.54 billion).

"Exclusivity is a key part of the Aston Martin mystique — we have made only around 65,000 cars in our entire 100-year history to date," said CEO Dr. Ulrich Bez. "To see so many of these rare beauties gathered together in London was a truly historic occasion."


Some cars were arranged along a boardwalk in chronological order, while others sat separately as part of themed displays. As many as 550 Aston Martin vehicles were in attendance and were worth up to $1.54 billion in total.

The event was the culmination of a week-long program that is part of a full year of celebration in honor of the famous automaker's 100th birthday.

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