
You Searched For "shortage of doctors" and got 15 results

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2 mins read

Delhi Health Minister accuses LG Vinai Saxena of not filling vacant posts in Delhi hospitals

Delhi Health Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj alleged on Sunday in a press conference that Delhi Lieutenan…


Business Insider Latest Story Image
6 mins read

Some doctors treating coronavirus patients in New York are already reusing face masks because they're running out of supplies

N95 masks are a tight-fitting type of mask that's highly effective at filtering out airborne partic…

Jacob Shamsian   

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1 min read

Doctors told a vocal cord cancer patient he had an 88% chance of a cure with treatment. But because of a cancer drug shortage, that may drop to 45%.

The US is facing a record-high shortage of cancer treatment drugs, leaving those like Tony Shepard,…

Katie Hawkinson   

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4 mins read

80% of New York's coronavirus patients who are put on ventilators ultimately die, and some doctors are trying to stop using them

According to the AP, doctors are trying things like: putting patients in different positions to try…

Sinéad Baker,Sinéad Baker,Sin…   

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5 mins read

Medical schools and legislation aim to address a worsening doctor shortage that's already hitting rural communities

Physician shortages are affecting rural communities. Medical schools and lawmakers could curb the e…

Heather Lindsey   

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5 mins read

NYU is offering free tuition to its students to fix one of the biggest problems in healthcare - but not everyone is convinced it'll work

According to a 2018 report by the Association of American Medical Colleges, there will be a sh…

Charlotte Hu,Lydia Ramsey   

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1 min read

Coal India engages retired doctors to combat Covid-19

"Keeping in view of the shortage of doctors and paramedical staff in the hospitals/ dispensaries o…


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2 mins read

Immigrant doctors enlisted in the US army want to treat coronavirus patients, but are reportedly stuck cleaning and doing paperwork instead

Several of them told The Post they are not allowed to practice medicine in uniform and have instead…

Michelle Mark   

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2 mins read

There Is A Serious Shortage Of Primary Care Doctors And It's Only Getting Worse

Primary care doctors already have to see more patients than non-primary doctors on a daily basis an…

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

NHS prepares for drugs and doctor shortages under chaotic no-deal Brexit

Around 37 million patient packs of medicine arrive from the rest of the EU every month, and 45 mill…

Thomas Colson   

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3 mins read

The US is facing a doctor shortage as the country grays, and nurses could be the answer

Part of this problem arises from the medical school pipeline - there are simply not enough medical …

Charlotte Hu   

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2 mins read

WHO: The chronic, global shortage of PPE 'is one of the most urgent threats to our collective ability to save lives'

"The longer this epidemic goes on for, if doctors feel that there is a widespread lack of personal …

Anna Medaris Miller,Anna Meda…   

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2 mins read

Burned-out South Korean trainee doctors walked off their jobs over a plan to boost med school enrolment

Doctors said the issue isn't a labor shortage but a manpower crunch due to low wages and poor worki…

Huileng Tan   

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1 min read

A hospital set up a plate-smashing booth for healthcare workers to relieve stress amid a surge in COVID-19 cases

At Salem Hospital in Oregon, stressed-out staff shattered plates to blow off steam. The state is se…

Andrea Michelson