You Searched For "night owls" and got 17 results
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Early bird catches the worm. Err, not so much!
Sleep also influences our personality. Research indicates that people who stay up late are at hig…
The pros and cons of being a night owl instead of a morning person
Because of the negative effects that come with a lack of sleep, AsapSCIENCE reports that college-ag…
Steven Benna
You're probably not a night owl - you just don't know how to get to bed on time
Plenty of folks who can only approach the morning hours with a strong coffee (or three) are boastin…
Rachel Premack
Night owls have an increased risk for death - and it may be society's fault
Since it's only possible to shift body clocks so much, the authors of the study suggest that flexib…
Kevin Loria
'Night owls' may have higher risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes than 'early birds,' according to research
New research suggests people more active in the morning may burn more fat and have better metabolic…
Gabby Landsverk
How to design the ideal morning routine if you're a night owl
Though night owls might hate the morning time, it's important to make them at least a little enjoya…
Rachel Premack
This one factor may explain why you're a morning person or a night owl
But that's not all. Compared with morning people, people who self-identified as night owls (while n…
Tanya Lewis
What happens when a night owl lives like an early bird
And since your circadian rhythm tends to shift as you age…social jetlag is especially apparent in t…
Gina Echevarria,Jordan Bowman
Many YouTubers identify as 'night owls,' but the mental and physical consequences of inconsistent sleep could be dire
Creators on YouTube are prone to falling into the habit of staying up incredibly late to edit and s…
Lindsay Dodgson
Why You're More Likely To Lie When You're Tired
For the second experiment, the research team randomly assigned their subjects to a laboratory sessi…
Richard Feloni
What 11 Successful People Do Before Going To Bed
Some of these highly productive people are night owls, preferring to work while the rest of the wor…
THE DARK TRIAD: People Who Love The Night Have More Psychopathic Traits
The researchers believe there is an evolutionary arms race between "cheaters" — those who engage in…
Robert Ferris
Women who wake up early may be less likely to develop depression, according to a new study - but the advice for optimum sleep remains unchanged
The results show that someone's chronotype - or body clock - could be a factor in developing depres…
Lindsay Dodgson
Here's more evidence that morning people are more successful
"The students who were larks tended to arrive more punctually for their morning lectures," Jarrett …
Turns out early risers and night owls have different DNA
Scientists at the University of Leicester conducted a study observing fruit flies and their waking …
Emma Fierberg
Early birds and night owls are better at sport at different times of day
"The main thing that we're interested in in terms of sleep patterns and body clocks is the differen…