You Searched For "nasa sun discovery" and got 16 results
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'Planet killer' asteroid hidden by the sun may threaten Earth in a few thousand years
Asteroids orbiting between Earth and the sun are especially hard to find, but NASA can't deflect ha…
Morgan McFall-Johnsen
NASA just discovered an Earth-like planet
"It's simply awe-inspiring to consider that this planet has spent 6 billion years in the habitable …
Jessica Orwig
NASA and Google are announcing a 'major discovery' about exoplanets - here's what it probably is
Kepler, a space telescope that trails Earth in orbit around the sun, has stared down 145,000 sun-li…
Dave Mosher
NASA video shows 10-year time lapse of Sun in 61 minutes
This 10-year time lapse showcases photos taken at a wavelength of 17.1 nanometers, which is an…
NASA's getting ready to plunge a spacecraft deeper into the sun than ever before
"Solar Probe Plus is a true mission of exploration; for example, the spacecraft will go close enoug…
Ali Sundermier
NASA just announced it will probe a dead planet's core
"[W]hen NASA says that there have been 12 Discovery missions, consider that 10 of them were selecte…
Dave Mosher
NASA's Juno probe has solved a 39 year-old mystery about Jupiter's lightning
"Until Juno, all the lightning signals recorded by spacecraft were limited to either visual detecti…
Jeremy Berke
Astronomer discovers rare comet near the sun during total solar eclipse
An astronomer has spotted a little tiny speck flying past the Sun which is a recently discovered ra…
This space telescope just uncovered more than 100 new planets, including a planetary system that might harbor life
"Our analysis shows that by the end of the K2 mission, we expect to double or triple the number of …
Ali Sundermier
How to watch NASA reveal a 'discovery beyond our solar system' on Wednesday
Another attendee is Sara Seager, a planetary scientist at MIT who's leading NASA's Transiting Exopl…
Dave Mosher
Clouds on Uranus smell like farts, astronomers have confirmed - a clue that there was 'a big shakeup' early in the solar system
"If an unfortunate human were ever to descend through Uranus's clouds, they would be met with very …
Dave Mosher
Evidence of water on moon’s surface, but terms and conditions apply
This development comes from studying the infrared measurements taken by NASA’s moon mineralogy m…
Researchers Discover First Earth-Sized Planets That Could Support Life
The "habitable zone" is the area in space that is the right distance from the star for a planet to …
Dina Spector
NASA's only mission to the Asteroid Belt is about die an 'impotent' death after 11 years in space
"It will struggle for a short time, but it will be impotent," Marc Rayman, Dawn's mission manager a…
Dave Mosher
An incredible new 60-second animation shows where 4,000 planets beyond our solar system are located in deep space
The first pictures of Earth-like worlds may come from enormous ground-based observatories, includin…
Dave Mosher
Scientists have discovered a new planet twice the size of Earth, and it could have liquid water on its surface
Since Kepler is no longer hunting for planets, NASA is now hoping that a new space telescope will a…