
You Searched For "nasa asteroids" and got 17 results

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3 mins read

Adam Driver asked NASA how it plans to save Earth from world-ending asteroids

Adam Driver wondered how NASA would save the world if a giant asteroid were approaching. Three spac…

Morgan McFall-Johnsen   

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2 mins read

A massive asteroid the size of the Empire State Building is about to pass Earth. Here's how to track it.

The asteroid, which is about a half-mile wide, has been studied by scientists for decades and will …

Emily Walsh   

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4 mins read

Here's why NASA is risking nearly $1 billion to suck up 2.1 ounces of dirty asteroid

If all goes according to plan, the 1.7-ton OSIRIS-REx probe - short for Origins, Spectral Interpret…

Dave Mosher   

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2 mins read

This space probe is almost ready to sample an asteroid - and resolve a mystery of life's origins

This is closer than most asteroids, but the spacecraft likely won't reach Bennu until 2019. After i…

Kelly Dickerson   

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1 min read

An asteroid nearly the size of a skyscraper will whiz between the Earth and the moon on Saturday in a once-in-a-decade event

NASA said an asteroid this size passing so close to Earth happens once in a decade. The asteroid DZ…

Kelsey Vlamis   

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2 mins read

NASA successfully launches a nearly $1 billion mission to an asteroid millions of miles away

This launch occurred exactly a week after SpaceX's planned launch of a satellite for Facebook explo…

Rebecca Harrington   

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3 mins read

NASA explains how it would alert the public of an apocalyptic asteroid strike

In the event an asteroid is headed for Earth, here's how NASA plans to alert the public of an impen…

Ellyn Lapointe   

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3 mins read

Over a million space rocks could strike Earth with more energy than a nuclear bomb, and we don't know where most of them are

According to a new report the agency released earlier this month - which is based on a 2016 report …

Jeremy Berke   

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1 min read

Asteroid flying faster than a bullet will shoot past Earth today

Asteroid 2019 SR8 will be flying past Earth today at a speed ten times that of the average rifle bu…

Business Insider Latest Story Image
1 min read

Airplane-size asteroid to cross Earth's orbit tomorrow

An asteroid the size of an airplane is set to cross the Earth's orbit on Wednesday, according to NA…

Business Insider Latest Story Image
1 min read

Giant asteroid to whizz past Earth on Oct 31

The asteroid, known as 2015 TB145, will pass our planet by only 499,000 kilometers — the closest pa…


Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

Watch NASA launch a probe to smash into an asteroid. It's practice for pushing city-killing space rocks away from Earth.

NASA may one day need to save Earth from an incoming asteroid. The plan: launching a spacecraft to …

Morgan McFall-Johnsen,Aylin W…   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
4 mins read

NASA will reach an asteroid today that may contain raw materials for life on Earth. Watch the rendezvous live.

According to NASA, Bennu (the asteroid formerly known as "1999 RQ36") is one such dirty asteroid in…

Dave Mosher   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
2 mins read

There's A Really Big Asteroid Approaching Earth - Here's How To Watch

Asteroid 2004 BL86 was first spotted in 2004. Because of its orbital path and size, the asteroid is…

Jessica Orwig   

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1 min read

That Mountain-Sized Asteroid That Flew By Earth On Monday Has A Tiny Little Moon

Scientists at NASA's Deep Space Network antenna in Goldstone, California took 20 images of the aste…

Jessica Orwig   

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3 mins read

NASA and the European Space Agency are meeting to defend the Earth against asteroids

ESA, NASA and other researchers from around the world are meeting up in Rome next week to ch…

Business Insider Latest Story Image
4 mins read

NASA simulated an incoming asteroid impact, and the biggest roadblock to action was penny pinching

NASA gathered about 100 experts to practice a hypothetical discovery of an asteroid with a 72% chan…

Morgan McFall-Johnsen