
You Searched For "genetic disorders" and got 18 results

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5 mins read

Is alcohol use disorder genetic? How having a relative with AUD predisposes you to developing it

Alcohol use disorder can be genetic. The environmental and biological presence of excessive alcohol…

Carla Delgado,Jeremy Novich   

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4 mins read

Yes, OCD is genetic but having a parent or sibling with OCD doesn't guarantee you'll have it

Though researchers have not been able to locate a specific gene associated with OCD, there is evide…

Samantha Crozier   

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6 mins read

The differences between borderline personality disorder and bipolar, and how to recognize the symptoms of each

While borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder share common symptoms like reckless beha…

Callie Tansill-Suddath   

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5 mins read

A new test aims to eliminate the risk of having a baby with a rare genetic disease

Morriss is the co-founder and CEO of GenePeeks, a Boston-based startup that aims to help parents us…

Tanya Lewis   

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4 mins read

Is anxiety genetic? Anxiety disorders are caused by a combination of both genes and your environment

Anxiety is partially genetic, but life experiences also play a major role in the development of an …

Kelly Burch   

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4 mins read

Is bipolar disorder genetic? Yes, but that doesn't guarantee you'll develop it

Bipolar disorder is genetic, but research suggests that there is both a genetic component and envir…

Nina Bahadur   

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4 mins read

Chinese scientists genetically engineered monkeys to reveal some fascinating clues about autism

Autism often involves repetitive behaviors and problems with social interaction. In Rett Syndrome, …

Tanya Lewis   

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3 mins read

Researchers think they've found a link between creativity and psychosis

But they write that this is the first time researchers have investigated whether or not the genetic…

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2 mins read

Scientists are studying twins to understand a type of eating disorder linked to anxiety. It could be genetic.

Researchers are studying twins to learn more about an eating disorder that largely affects people w…

Andrea Michelson   

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3 mins read

Genetics says mating is random, but in reality it takes shared interests to pair up, say researchers

Genetic correlation estimates typically assume that mating is random. But in the real world, partne…


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1 min read

How A J. Crew Executive Overcame A Rare Genetic Disorder To Rule Fashion

"Ms. Lyons grew up in Palos Verdes, Calif., on the coast south of Los Angeles. She was not Malibu B…

Ashley Lutz   

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5 mins read

We're learning more and more about how our DNA shapes depression and other disorders like it

Using data from more than 75,600 people who told the company that they'd been clinically diagnosed …

Erin Brodwin   

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7 mins read

This Start-up Provides Genetic Screening For Newborns, Adults; To Raise Series A Funding In 2-3 Months

As for newborn screening, parents get the kit as soon as they register and after the birth of the b…

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4 mins read

Scientists just got a step closer to treating incurable diseases using a revolutionary gene-editing tool

Getting to the point when we can safely and accurately edit genes to treat Huntington's disease wit…

Kevin Loria   

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2 mins read

The mystery of a tiny human-like skeleton that many people thought was an alien has finally been solved

While the skeleton did have human features, it also had some peculiarities, like a long, pointy sku…

Jeremy Berke   

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3 mins read

Scientists just got closer to understanding the genetic roots of crime - and it's making them nervous

But there's reason to take it seriously. Twin studies suggest that genetics explain about half of t…

Rafi Letzter   

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4 mins read

ADHD is partially genetic, but there are other risk factors that play a key role

Some evidence indicates that ADHD is partially genetic, but experts warn that there are other facto…

Ashley Laderer   

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4 mins read

There's now a cure for the deadly genetic disorder known as 'bubble boy' disease

"This is a first for patients with XSCID," said Dr. Ewelina Mamcarz, of the St. Jude Department of …

Emma Court