
You Searched For "earth ending events" and got 18 results

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2 mins read

A NASA satellite revealed what a lunar eclipse looks like from Mercury

A lunar eclipse occurs when the sun, Earth, and moon are directly aligned, and the moon's…

Jeremy Berke   

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3 mins read

A rare collision between Earth and space junk is happening tomorrow - here's how to watch

Scientists hope to use their observations to improve predictive models of how objects interact with…

Jessica Orwig   

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3 mins read

The asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs might not have killed them all if it hit somewhere else

In the new study, the authors write that the cooling event was only so severe because the asteroid …

Kevin Loria   

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3 mins read

The asteroid that killed the dinosaurs triggered devastating underwater eruptions - which changes how we understand their extinction

There were at least three nearly simultaneous events involved in the global catastrophe that ended …

Kevin Loria   

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2 mins read

Here Are The 1400 Potentially Earth-Ending Asteroids Circling Our Planet

To make this list an asteroid has to be "relatively large and close" — at least 460 feet in diamete…

Robert Ferris   

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2 mins read

Gamma-Ray Burst May Have Blasted Earth In The 8th Century

"But even thousands of light years away, a similar event today could cause havoc with the sensitive…

Agence France Presse   

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2 mins read

Awesome photos of last night's rare super blood moon eclipse - there won't be another one until 2033

Sean Park, who is a professional photographer based in Tucson, AZ, sent us a series of beautiful sh…

Jessica Orwig   

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2 mins read

Interesting facts about the Partial Lunar Eclipse in India on July 16

Lunar eclipse is one of the most spectacular significant and interesting astronomical events. On J…

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5 mins read

Chandra Grahan 2022: Check out Do's, don'ts to witness last 'lunar eclispse' of this year

Total lunar eclipses occurs when the moon is close to a node, and the earth blocks the sun's rays f…


Business Insider Latest Story Image
2 mins read

Exactly Where And When To Watch Tonight's Lunar Eclipse

A lunar eclipse happens when the full moon passes through all or part of Earth's shadow. The shadow…

Dina Spector   

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2 mins read

An asteroid the size of the Statue of Liberty is set to narrowly miss Earth this week

The asteroid, dubbed 2010 WC9 will come closer to our planet than any asteroid of its size has in t…

Jeremy Berke   

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2 mins read

The longest lunar eclipse this century will happen early Friday morning. Here's how to see it.

All but 3% of the moon will be obscured by Earth's shadow around 4 a.m. Eastern Time on Friday. It'…

Aylin Woodward   

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3 mins read

The last solar eclipse of the year is this weekend - here's how to watch

It's more common to have a slight misalignment where the moon still passes between the sun and Eart…

Jessica Orwig   

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3 mins read

Here's Why Astronomers Did Not Detect The Russia Meteor Ahead Of Time

In this frame grab made from a video done with a dashboard camera, on a highway from Kostanai, Kaza…

Dina Spector   

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2 mins read

Sun smacks Earth with 2 powerful, back-to-back X-class solar flares, knocking out radio signals across the US

The sun flashed back-to-back powerful X-class solar flares at the Earth. X-class flares are the mos…

Jenny McGrath   

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2 mins read

This Is What Earth Looks Like From 900 Million Miles Away

In the meantime, the spacecraft has already beamed back to Earth tons of raw images from the event …

Dina Spector   

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2 mins read

Dinosaurs dying off might not have be been the biggest mass extinction on Earth

Rocks found in Canada indicate that there might have been an even larger mass extinction befor…

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2 mins read

NASA skywatcher says a brand-new 'meteor storm' from a shattered comet might blaze across night skies next week

The Tau Herculids meteor shower could be a dramatic cosmic display, and the first "meteor storm" si…

Paola Rosa-Aquino