
You Searched For "cigarette butts" and got 18 results

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3 mins read

Meet BeachBot, a beach rover that uses AI to remove cigarette butts from beaches

‘BB’, short for BeachBot, has proved to find even those partially buried in the sand. The protot…

Business Insider Latest Story Image
2 mins read

Littered cigarette butts are the most widespread man-made pollutant and they harm plant growth, according to study

The BBC reports that the study says an estimated 4.5 trillion butts are littered globally each year…

Ellen Cranley,Ellen Cranley   

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1 min read

A company in India has found a way to recycle cigarette butts into toys and mosquito repellant

Two-thirds of all smoked cigarettes are littered every year. One company has found a way to reuse t…

Prakhar Deep Jain,Will Storey…   

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2 mins read

There are more cigarette butts in the world's oceans than any other type of garbage

Those filters can take decades to decompose after the cigarette butt has been discarded. As the pla…

John Walsh   

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2 mins read

Discarded cigarette butt helped investigators solve 52-year-old mystery of who killed a Vermont school teacher

The murder of Rita Curran remained unsolved for 52 years. But investigators finally found an answer…

Joshua Zitser   

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1 min read

A passenger smoked a cigarette in a plane bathroom and sparked a trash can fire during a flight, airline said

An Israeli passenger smoked a cigarette in the plane's bathroom on an El Al flight from Tel Aviv to…

Joshua Zitser   

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2 mins read

Costco is slowly ditching one major category

CVS says that its decision to ban tobacco products led to a 1% decrease in cigarette sales in certa…

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1 min read

When you smoke, you inhale 7000 chemicals and 10 utterly disgusting mixes

Believe it or not, when you smoke, you're inhaling over 7000 chemicals out of which over 70 can cau…

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3 mins read

Philip Morris is betting on e-cigarettes and new flavors as it feels the heat from Juul and KT&G

Tighter regulations pose another challenge. The South Korean government has raised taxes on cigaret…

Theron Mohamed   

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1 min read

43 paintings you need to see before you die

In an old barn that Jackson Pollock transformed into a studio, the artist laid his massive canvas o…

Leanna Garfield   

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3 mins read

My family went back to Scotland for the first time in 6 years. The restaurants were allergy-friendly, and we were surprised by how friendly people were.

My family has dual UK and US citizenship and recently returned to Scotland on vacation. Here's what…

Nicole Findlay   

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3 mins read

North Korea is about to drop cigarette butts, trash, and 12 million propaganda leaflets onto South Korea in its latest psychological-warfare move

According to state media, the propaganda leaflets express "the wrath and hatred" of the North Korea…

James Pasley   

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2 mins read

How To Quit Smoking: Stick Your Head In A Can Of Cigarette Butts, Says Famed Psychologist

"I was about 32 years old at the time, and this poor man on a gurney had his arm stretched out at h…

Business Insider Latest Story Image
2 mins read

North Korean defector who made a daring escape from a Chinese prison was recaptured by authorities after 40 days on the run

Zhu Xianjian crossed into China and was jailed by authorities there in 2013 for stabbing an elderly…

Matthew Loh   

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A company in India has found a way to recycle cigarette butts into toys and mosquito repellant

Cigarette butts are the most littered item in the world — trillions get dropped every year. One com…

Business Insider Latest Story Image
2 mins read

Swachh Bharat on a new high as #BJPCountsCondoms!

BJP lawmaker Gyandev Ahuja, during a protest in Alwar over the JNU row, said, “In JNU daily you fin…

Business Insider Latest Story Image
1 min read

The fabulous life of two 33-year-olds who made millions charging interest rates as high as 400%

This is the home of 33-year-old Abe Zeines and Meir Hurwitz, two ex-Lubavitcher Jews who abandoned …

Lucinda Shen   

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4 mins read

E-cigarettes Create Jitters Among Health Watchers, Policy Makers

A country that has been proactive in implementing the ban on smoking in public, is now facing a new…