You Searched For "US allies" and got 20 results
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A US ally wants to buy Russian submarines - and the US is not OK with it
"We are the only ones that do not have [undersea capabilities]," Lorenzana explained at a flag rais…
Ryan Pickrell
Here's why the US and Israel are such close allies
In the 1980s, Jonathan Pollard, an American naval intelligence analyst passed classified informatio…
Alex Lockie
Why Trump's attempt to shakedown the US's allies is 'kind of foolish'
Therefore it's actually cheaper to host US troops in Japan than it would be to host those troops in…
Alex Lockie
This is the advanced missile-defense system Russia is selling to US allies
In September, Turkey finalized and made a deposit on a $2.5 billion deal for the S-400, deepening t…
Daniel Brown
US allies agree: Biden's debate performance was shockingly bad
Biden's debate performance sparks international criticism, with even friendly countries' lawmakers …
Grace Eliza Goodwin
Now UAE Is Demanding 'Clarification' Of Biden's Comments About US Allies
Gargash said the vice president "gave a negative and inaccurate impression" about the UAE's support…
Associated Press,Brett LoGiur…
US allies and adversaries are in shock and bracing for an unchecked Trump as Mattis resigns
Mattis tendered his resignation Thursday night, reportedly in response to President Donald Trump's …
Ryan Pickrell
US allies caught on film torturing prisoners in Syria
Inherent Resolve spokesman Col. Ryan Dillon told The Daily Beast that, "the Coalition does not cond…
Daniel Brown
'Standing ovation' for Modi aside, India is still not ‘special’ enough for the US Senate
PM Modi received a number of standing ovations in his address the US joint congress session, buildi…
Some US allies may not be 'freaking out' over Mattis' sudden exit
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis' sudden resignation Thursday comes a day after President Donald Trump …
Christopher Woody
India's NAVIC satellites approved to join US 'allied' system
The US Congress has consented to designate India's NAVIC as its “allied” navigational satellite sys…
Trump is less trusted than Putin and Xi and the US is hitting historic lows of approval from its closest allies
A new Pew Research Center survey found that Trump's handling of the coronavirus has hurt the US' re…
Oma Seddiq
Global confidence in the US president jumped 58 points from Trump to Biden in a dozen major countries
In 12 countries, a median of 75% expressed confidence in Biden -- up from a median of 17% who expre…
Eliza Relman
Here's Why North Korea May Still Be Selling Weapons To A US Ally
The Kim regime should be well-versed with US and international sanctions by now. UN Security Counci…
Armin Rosen
A major US ally in the Pacific wants to scrap an important military deal with the US, and that may give China an edge
A major US ally in the Pacific wants to scrap an important military deal with the US, and that may …
Military & Defense Team
Trump is driving a wedge between 2 key US allies
But perhaps one of the worst impacts from Trump's bull-in-the-China-shop approach to trade negotiat…
Pedro Nicolaci da Costa
The US Is On A Collision Course With An 'Absolutely Indispensable' Ally
"The IS crisis has put Turkey and the US on a collision course," the report says. "Turkey refuses t…
Michael B Kelley
The US Is On A Collision Course With An 'Absolutely Indispensable' Ally
"The IS crisis has put Turkey and the US on a collision course," the report says. "Turkey refuses t…
Michael B Kelley
WhatsApp chief says national security officials of US allies were among those targeted with NSO malware
WhatsApp CEO Will Cathcart told The Guardian that national security officials with US allies were t…
Kevin Shalvey
Top US allies are abandoning Trump and warning ISIS will benefit following the assassination of an Iranian general
"There are international conventions in place that prevent the destruction of cultural heritage," a…