
You Searched For "Planet X" and got 14 results

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2 mins read

Scavenger hunt for Planet X just dropped another clue

So far three dwarf planets, including the Goblin, have been found in the fringes of our solar …

Business Insider Latest Story Image
6 mins read

Is it Planet 9 or Planet X? Scientists spar over what to call the solar system's hypothetical missing world

Stern is an ardent defender of Pluto's planethood. In 2015, shortly after New Horizons flew past Pl…

Dave Mosher   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

There may be new evidence of a mysterious 'Planet X' hiding beyond Pluto

If this giant "Planet X" exists, we probably haven't spotted it because it's so far away. At such a…

Kelly Dickerson   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

There's new evidence that a mysterious 9th planet is lurking in our solar system

They'll be using the Subaru telescope on the summit of Mauna Kea in Hawaii to hunt it down and sea…

Kelly Dickerson   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
4 mins read

Here's why people are saying we may have found a mysterious 'Planet X'

The second paper describes evidence of another moving object in the same part of the sky as the sta…

Kelly Dickerson   

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2 mins read

Pluto was discovered 90 years ago this week. Controversy about its identity rages on.

When he discovered Pluto, Planet X became real - for a time. But in 2003, a world larger than Pluto…

Holly Secon   

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3 mins read

Scientists just found a dozen new moons around Jupiter - including one they're calling an 'oddball'

The team that discovered the moons was searching for a hypothetical massive planet that might exist…

Kevin Loria   

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2 mins read

Threads posts receive more likes than on X for nearly 90% of brands despite them having fewer followers, an analysis says

Mark Zuckerberg previously told staff Threads had lost more than half its users, but an analysis su…

Pete Syme   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
2 mins read

Here's how astronomers think they can prove that the new planet 9 on the edge of our solar system exists

Sadly, Brown and Batygin don't think the planet is currently in the part of its orbit that would br…

Kelly Dickerson   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
2 mins read

A planet thrice the size of Jupiter discovered due to its 'strange orbit'

It took 20 years of observations to figure out that the planet has an 'highly eccentric'…

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

A newly discovered space object called 'Farfarout' is the most distant thing in our solar system

It takes Farfarout 1,000 years to orbit the sun. Distant objects like this could help astronomers i…

Morgan McFall-Johnsen   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
4 mins read

Queen guitarist Brian May released a new song celebrating NASA's historic visit to the farthest object ever explored - take a listen

NASA's New Horizons probe, which launched toward Pluto in 2006, successfully flew past MU69 on…

Peter Kotecki,Peter Kotecki   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
5 mins read

Planet 9, our solar system's mysterious missing world, could be an ancient black hole orbiting the sun, a new paper suggests

The scientists behind the new study say that direct observations of the mysterious object ⁠- if ast…

Morgan McFall-Johnsen   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
7 mins read

9 'Facts' You Learned In School That Are No Longer True

Then in 1930, a 23-year-old newbie at the facility found it. The discoverer, Clyde Tombaugh, had be…

Christina Sterbenz