You Searched For "Pegatron" and got 20 results
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Apple suspends business with its second-largest iPhone manufacturer, Pegatron, after discovering student labor violations in China
Pegatron misclassified students, allowed them to work night shifts and overtime, and let them perfo…
Kate Duffy
Tata to buy a majority stake in Pegatron's iPhone plant in India
Tata Electronics continues to strengthen its smartphone manufacturing business in India as it has r…
Apple’s new 5G iPhones could reportedly be manufactured by a company within Mainland China for the very first time
While this may put a wrench in the supply chain for Apple, it opens up a plethora of possibiliti…
Apple's Controversial Supplier Pegatron Will Reportedly Control Half Of The iPhone 6 Orders
Though Apple and Foxconn have a storied history, the iPhone maker has been working with Pegatron mo…
Dave Smith
Apple's iPhone Workers Must Strip For Tattoo Checks And Wear Only Approved Hairstyles
The Pegatron factories had a list of discriminatory hiring practices, including refusing to hire pe…
Jim Edwards
Apple Supplier Responds To Documentary Exposing Brutal Working Conditions
Apple provided a lengthy response to The Wall Street Journal responding to those initial allegation…
Dave Smith
A report says it found routine routine abuse of overtime rules at one of Apple's suppliers in China
Apple's policy says supply chain workers can't work more than 60 hours per week and should have at …
Chinese Workers Making iPhones Work 11-Hour Shifts, 6 Days A Week, For $1.50 Per Hour
This monthly pay is drastically below the basic living wage necessary to live in Shanghai, one of t…
Kevin Smith
Apple Responds To China Labor Watch Report On Harsh Working Conditions In Factories
Apple believes in transparency and accountability, both for our suppliers and ourselves. We realize…
Samsung, Foxconn and Pegatron among 16 companies to get government nod to boost mobile manufacturing in India
"The international mobile phone manufacturing companies that are approved under mobile phone (…
Apple paid millions to woman after repair workers stole nude images of her from her phone and posted them on her Facebook
The woman who received a settlement said two workers at an Apple repair facility run by Pegatron le…
Kelly McLaughlin
Boy, 15, Is One Of 5 Unexplained Deaths At Apple's Factories In China
Apple has made efforts to prevent labor abuses at its Chinese suppliers, and subjects those factori…
Jim Edwards
UNDERCOVER IN AN IPHONE FACTORY: What it's really like to work in a Chinese mega-factory, according to a student who spent six weeks there
Apple performed 16 audits at the ChangShuo Pegatron factory, finding 99% of workweeks were under 60…
Kif Leswing
China Labor Watch Report Says Apple Is Making A Cheap iPhone Right Now In China
"At this moment, in Shanghai, China, workers in Apple’s supplier factory Pegatron are monotonously …
Megan Rose Dickey
A Chinese family claims their son died a 'sudden death' in an iPhone factory after working excessive overtime
Apple has previously been criticised over the conditions in the factories of its other Chinese supp…
Rob Price
A labor rights group says pay stubs show Chinese iPhone assemblers make $1.82 an hour
When asked about the differences between the China Labor Watch findings and its report, a Fair Labo…
Former Apple employees have accused the company of turning a blind eye to suppliers that were violating Chinese labor laws
The ex-Apple employees said the tech giant was concerned the legislation would heighten costs, dela…
Kate Duffy
Apple iPad Assembly Workers Have To Make 600 Back Cases Per Day Or Risk Working Overtime Without Pay, Labor Report Says
Pegatron supervisors harassed and abused workers by swearing at them and threatening collective p…
Kevin Smith
Pictures Taken Undercover In Apple's Chinese iPhone Factories Show Filth And Overcrowding
The film also shows that Apple's contract workers are all very young — CLW alleges there is a ban o…
Jim Edwards
Coronavirus is pushing Apple's iPhone makers to find new manufacturing frontiers outside of China
The potential to reorient manufacturing locations was ushered in as the trade war between China and…