You Searched For "IPCC" and got 18 results
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Here Are The Biggest Climate Change Risks For Each Continent
To read these charts, use the legend below, which describes the climate factors driving these risks…
Jennifer Welsh
The world can turn around the climate crisis this decade, UN report confirms, but governments need to step up
The new IPCC report calls for rapid transformation of the world's energy systems, with just three y…
Morgan McFall-Johnsen
Climate-related changes to Earth's ice and oceans are now 'irreversible for centuries to millennia,' a new report says
The new IPCC report concludes that the past century has changed the Earth as we know it - and that …
Morgan McFall-Johnsen,Aylin W…
IPCC analyses the synergies and trade-offs between preventing climate change and SDGs
In order to successfully implement policy changes that control climate change, the report highli…
The Most Alarming Findings From A Monster Report On Climate Change
"Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and since the 1950s, many of the observed changes ar…
Dina Spector
Anyone Who Eats Food Needs To See These Three Charts From A Massive Report On Climate Change
This chart, for example, shows the changes in average crop yield as a consequence of events related…
Dina Spector
6 Scary Takeaways From The UN's Huge Climate Report
"One of the most important findings is that we're not in an era where climate change is a future hy…
Jennifer Welsh
We're Probably Doomed On Climate Because Developed Countries Can't Stop Sniping At Each Other Over Graphics In A Report
In U.N. climate negotiations only two categories are used - developed and developing countries. The…
Associated Press
Astronauts say they're saddened to watch the climate crisis from the space station: 'We can see all of those effects from up here'
The IPCC report projects that the storms and fires astronauts see from space will keep getting more…
Morgan McFall-Johnsen
The amount of warming that world leaders collectively agreed to avoid? It's inevitable in the next 20 years, a new report suggests.
In the Paris agreement, 195 countries agreed to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. A new …
Aylin Woodward,Morgan McFall-…
Scientists say climate solutions like solar power and walkable cities are cheap, doable, and can make a dent in the crisis
The climate crisis is daunting, but a major UN report outlines plenty of low-tech ways for governme…
Morgan McFall-Johnsen
Changing your personal lifestyle is just a small part of fixing the climate crisis
A recent report, from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, drew a road map…
Morgan McFall-Johnsen
Climate scientists want you to know it's not too late
Every half-degree of warming has a big impact on Earth's future - including the intensity and frequ…
Aria Bendix,Aylin Woodward,Mo…
Former UK prime minister Ted Heath named in child abuse investigation
It is alleged that a criminal prosecution was not pursued, when a person threatened to expose that …
Jim Edwards
These Two Maps Show How Climate Change Is Destroying The Oceans
The cold water in polar regions more easily absorbs carbon dioxide, a primary driver of acidity. Po…
Jennifer Welsh,Leslie Baehr
Unlivable cities, refugees, extinct animals: UN climate report warns of drastic changes in coming decades
Up to 3.6 billion people are highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, including floods, …
Aria Bendix,Morgan McFall-Joh…
Major UN Report: The World Is Completely Unprepared For The Effects Of Climate Change
In the report, climate scientists predict that the impacts of climate change will include shrinking…
Dina Spector
Preventing climate change requires a shift in society, says UN panel
But for it to work, things are going to need to change. Drastically. ‘Net’ zero emissions …