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How 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump spends his billions

How 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump spends his billions
Finance1 min read

donald trump playing golf

REUTERS/David Moir

Donald Trump plays golf during the opening of his Trump International Golf Links golf course near Aberdeen, northeast Scotland July 10, 2012.

To prove that his net worth is more than double the $4 billion figure touted by Forbes, republican presidential candidate Donald Trump recently submitted a 92-page personal-financial-disclosure report to the Federal Election Commission.

The report - alleging that his net worth is in excess of $10 billion - was made public after a June document released by the real estate magnate's campaign described his net worth as being approximately $8.7 billion.

One thing is for certain, though: regardless of how many billions Trump has, he knows how to spread his fortune around.

Aside from running some of the best-known apartment buildings in the country, he also owns a personal portfolio of homes from Manhattan to Palm Beach, all of which are drenched in gold.

Keep scrolling to check out Trump's collection of homes, cars, aircrafts, and more.

Julie Zeveloff and Meredith Galante contributed to an earlier version of this post.

