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Twitter Wants $1.4 Billion For Its IPO [THE BRIEF]

Aaron Taube   

Twitter Wants $1.4 Billion For Its IPO [THE BRIEF]
Advertising2 min read

twitter founders


Good morning, AdLand. Here's what you need to know today:

Twitter is seeking as much as $1.4 billion for its upcoming initial public offering. The social media network plans to sell 70 million shares at between $17 and $20 each, according to a regulatory filing.

Sharp named Minneapolis-based Olson as its new North American agency of record. The account was previously held by McGarryBowen.

Instagram published a blogpost about its new ads, displaying what they will look like.

Condé Nast named Nilou Motamed as editor in chief of food publication Epicurious. Motamed, who previously oversaw restaurant coverage at Time Inc.'s Travel + Leisure, is tasked with expanding Epicurious' scope beyond just food.

Heineken USA chief marketing officer Lesya Lysyj is leaving the beer importer to become the president of Weight Watchers North America.

Greek yogurt company Chobani is making a heavy advertising push to tout its all natural ingredients. The campaign comes a little more than a month after the company had to recall some of its product for making people ill.

Digiday spoke with Buzzfeed, Quarts, and New York Magazine about what the publishers are doing to keep people on their websites.

Multinational pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline is putting its digital advertising account up for review. GSK works with more than 100 digital shops globally and is looking to streamline its account, Campaign reports.

Carbonated soft drink Cheerwine has named Charlotte-based BooneOakley its agency of record. Pro tip to my fellow Yankees who venture south to the land of the pines: get your hands on some Cheerwine.

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