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Here Are 2 Common Reasons Talented People Walk Out On Employers

Here Are 2 Common Reasons Talented People Walk Out On Employers

Pat on the back


Don't create a culture where there's one "superstar."

Recognition and reward go a long way in the workplace - especially if you're trying to motivate your employees.

But there are a few common mistakes managers make when trying to show workers their appreciation that can do more harm than good.

According to management consultant and $4 Bernard Marr, they are:

1. Only rewarding results.

"Effort is often just as important," Marr writes in a $4. "While a select few may be responsible for a winning 'result' (a big sale, or a major project for a client completed on time), don't let those working behind the scenes feel underappreciated."

Also know that you don't always have to wait until a "win." It's important to recognize progress, too.

Marr says big projects may take a long time to come to fruition - and it's easy for employees to get frustrated and lose enthusiasm along the way. But if you keep them "engaged and feeling appreciated for the duration," they'll likely produce better results and want to stick around.

2. Promoting a "superstar" culture.

If you've created an office where everyone knows they "should try to be more like Bill," you're doing something wrong.

"Motivating and incentivizing should be carefully balanced so individual success does not appear more beneficial to the business than the work of the team as a whole," Marr explains. "If staff feels that one 'superstar' employee is constantly rewarded for the performance of the group, then motivation will suffer."

He says it's important to remember that success can be recognized at the individual, departmental, and company-wide level - "and it should always be recognized at all three."

Click $4 to read Marr's full LinkedIn post.

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