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Armchair travelers can now explore Mount Everest on Google Street View

Armchair travelers can now explore Mount Everest on Google Street View
LifeThelife5 min read

Google Maps announced in a blog post Thursday that it has officially made it to Mount Everest.

Google has teamed up with Ava Sherpa, a Nepalese mountaineer who has reached the summit of the world's most famous mountain a record 21 times as well as nonprofit Story Cycle to bring the rest of the world digitally to the Khumbu region in Google Maps.

The pictures don't take armchair travelers to the top of the mountain -yet - but around the region and communities at the base of the mountain, such as the Phortse, Khumjung, Thame, Lukla, and the Namche Bazaar.

"In the shadow of Mt. Everest lies a group of sacred valleys known as the Khumbu," the landing page on Google Maps reads. "For centuries this remote mountainous region has been the homeland of the Sherpa people. Discover the hidden treasures along the trail and off the beaten path."

Google takes you to each village and lets viewers explore medical centers, churches, see the "yak parking lot," and even meet the people who live there including Kancha Sherpa, the last living survivor of the first expedition to summit Mt. Everest.

Google Maps mount everest Kancha Sherpa

Google Maps

A video on Google Maps allows Kancha Sherpa to tell the story of the first expedition to the summit of Mount Everest.

"Our region is famous for being home to Everest, but it's also the home of the Sherpa community and has been for centuries," Ava Sherpa, who also has started the Ava Sherpa Foundation, a nonprofit that works to give more opportunities to the children in Khumbu, said in his Google blog post. "The region has much more to offer than just the mountain. So last year, I guided the Google Maps team through my home region to collect Street View imagery that improves the map of our community."

The goal of the project is for the world to have a better understanding of the rich history of Khumbu and its people.

Keep reading to see more of the communities that live around Mount Everest below.

Phortse is a farming village roughly 12,600 feet above sea level. It has a lodge, library, church, and health clinic.

Phortse everest google maps

Google Maps

View from the Phortse trail.

Phortse everest google maps

Google Maps

Phortse Thakiri Chholing Gompa monastary.

Phortse everest google maps

Google Maps

Magic Yeti Library at Phortse.

Khumjung is a village as well as a world heritage site and that over 13,000 feet above sea level. It has the internet as well as mobile and landline phones.

Khumjung google maps mount everest

Google Maps

Shot from the Everest View Hotel, the highest hotel in the world.

Khumjung google maps mount everest

Google Maps

The Sir Edmund Hillary School in Khumjung.

Khumjung google maps mount everest

Google Maps

Khunde hospital just outside of Khumjung.

Thame is a small village that is the home of Ava Sherpa and many other famous Sherpa mountaineers. It's monastery is one of the oldest in the region.

Thame mount everest google maps

Google Maps

The Everest Summiteer Lodge in Thame.

Thame mount everest google maps

Google Maps

Thame Dechen Chokhorling Monastery, one of the oldest monasteries in the region.

Thame mount everest google maps

Google Maps

View from the Thame dam, which contains meltwater from the glacial peaks.

Lukla is one of the lower villages at 9,400 feet above sea level. It has a small airport, as well as shops and hotels that are frequented by tourists attempting to climb the mountain and visit the region.

lukla restaurant mount everest google Maps

Google Maps

Paradise Lodge and Restaurant in Lukla.

lukla airport mount everest google Maps

Google Maps

View of the airstrip on a rainy day at the Tenzing-Hillary Airport.

lukla bakery mount everest google Maps

Google Maps

A German bakery across from the airport in Lukla.

Namche Bazaar is a village that is perched at over 11,000 feet above sea level on the sides of a hill. It's the main tourist hub of the region, and has a police check, post office, and a bank.

namche-bazaar mount everest google maps

Google Maps

Gorgeous view from the Namche Porter Shelter which houses the people who trek up food and supplies.

namche-bazaar mount everest google maps

Google Maps

The Sherpa Culture Museum, which has "artifacts from local famillies and put them on display to educate visitors about the Sherpa people."

namche-bazaar mount everest google maps

Google Maps

The "yak parking lot," where the yaks are kept.

Below is a video of the Khumbu region and gorgeous views of Everest.

And you can trek the mountain yourself and see even more pictures on the Google Maps page here.

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