Van Vlymen says there tends to be an uptick in sexual harassment complaints following holiday parties where heavy drinking is involved, which is why her company advises clients to remind employees beforehand that the handbook policies on harassment still stand and drunkenness isn't a valid defense for such behavior.
"To encourage professionalism at your office party, it is okay to set expectations beforehand," Dixon says. "In a kind and non-threatening manner, ask employees to limit alcohol consumption at the celebration, reminding them that inappropriate behaviors take away from team bonding."
Meredith Hurst, a partner at Thomas Mansfield, an employment law consulting firm, says a gentle reminder usually does the trick without putting the dampeners on the party. "In the vast majority of cases, trusting staff to act in the right way can reap its own rewards," she tells Business Insider.
Another tack Van Vlyme says some employers take, though, is to ask employees to sign an acknowledgment of the handbook policies on harassment and discrimination prior to the start of the party.